Halloween is right around the corner, and many of us are stocking up on those sugary treats to entice the little gremlins when they visit our homes.
Think Pink
This week we are excited to sponsor Ladies Night Out, “Path to Breakthrough……in Pink Suede Stiletto’s.” I am excited to share this event with our
JMHS Epic EMR Training begins
For the past six months, JMHS has been preparing for the upgrade to our new Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. The staff has worked diligently
Cough Cough Sniffle Sniffle
Yes, flu season has arrived. It is the time of year we stock up on tissues, cough drops, and other products to ward off our chances of catching a
We are starting to see the colors of fall, the decrease of daylight, and the feeling that each day brings us closer to winter. At JMHS, we are also