Properly dispose of unused medications to keep water supplies safe and prevent prescription drug abuse

JMHS provides MedSafe for the safe disposal of your unused medication. This important solution helps protect our community from the threat of prescription drug abuse. Flushing medications should be the last resort for disposal due to potential effects on plants, fish, and our drinking water.
The MedSafe is located in JMHS clinic entrance. Unused or expired medications listed below maybe disposed of using the MedSafe. This free service is available Monday through Friday. Drop off times are:
- Monday and Wednesday 7:30 am to 6:30 pm
- Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
With your help, we can continue to keep our community safe by properly disposing of unused medications to keep water supplies safe and prevent prescription drug abuse.
To drop-off unwanted medications, simply follow these instructions:
- Check the list of accepted items located on the receptacle.
- Leave medications in original containers, when possible.
- Drop acceptable medications into the receptacle. You cannot retrieve an item once you have placed it in a drop box.
- If the receptacle is locked, please DO NOT leave medications outside of the box.
Acceptable items include
- Prescription drugs (Schedules II-V controlled substances and non-controlled drugs)
- Over-the-counter medications
- Liquid medication bottles (less than 4 oz. in zip-lock bag
Unacceptable items include:
- Illegal (Schedule 1) drugs
- Needles/syringes or sharps containers
- Medical devices, Batteries
- Aerosol cans, Inhalers
- Chemicals
- Mercury-containing devices
- Radiopharmaceuticals
- Liquid antineoplastic agents (chemotherapy drugs an cytotoxic drugs)
If you have questions regarding your medication for drop off please contact Whitney Redepenning, Pharmacy Director at 320-769-4393.