Move-in Date is Wednesday, June 20, 2018! Check out the latest presentation for more information!
Click here to see powerpoint from 6/12/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 5/22/18 & 5/29/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 5/15/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 5/08/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 5/01/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 4/24/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 4/17/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 4/10/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 4/03/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 3/27/18
Click here to see powerpoint from 3/20/18
Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated 5/22/18
- Why do I have to move from this care center?
Johnson Memorial Care Center (JMCC) is building a replacement care center just to the south of our current campus. The new space addresses infrastructure and compliance issues as well as changing expectations. All current residents of our care center will have a room available in the replacement care center if you choose to move with us. We must provide information on alternative living options if residents would like to live somewhere else. - What if I choose to live somewhere else?
JMCC staff will help you and your family make arrangements with an alternative living option if you so choose. - Who will help move my personal belongings and furniture?
JMCC staff and your family/friends will help you inventory your belongings as well as physically move your belongings to the new care center. - What will my room look like?
The new care center features 56 private rooms with attached private handicapped accessible bathrooms that include a shower. As construction progresses there will be an opportunity for tours of the new care center. Each room has a built-in closet and desk space. Each room is approximately 290-300 square feet. - Is there a price increase?
There will be a rate increase of $10.37/day. This increase was determined and approved by the State of Minnesota. - How do I transfer my phone service to the new care center?
JMCC staff will work with you and your family as well as your phone carrier to ensure your phone service is transferred to the new care center. There will be no additional cost to the resident for transferring phone service. - How do I know what room I will be in?
JMCC staff will be visiting with residents and families to find out the resident’s preferences (staying with the same staff, living close to my current neighbors, being close to the dining room, etc.). JMCC staff will work closely with the resident and family to find the most suitable room based on preferences. - What will my address be?
There will be a new physical address. It is: 1290 Locust Street Dawson, MN 56232. This will be in effect once residents have moved to the new care center. The mailing address will remain the same: 1282 Walnut Street Dawson, MN 56232. - When will I be updated on the relocation progress?
JMCC will host relocation meetings every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in the Activity Room beginning 3/20/18 through the actual move in date, anticipated to be sometime May, or possibly June, pending all regulatory approvals. - Will window treatments be provided in resident rooms?
Resident rooms will be furnished with a dual shade system. There will be a light filtering shade as well as a blackout shade. All rooms will also be furnished with a window valence. - Can I hang my own curtains in my room?
This may be able to be better answered once residents have moved to their new room. As mentioned above each room is furnished with a dual shade system as well as a window valence. If residents are requesting additional window treatments or curtains we will discuss once moved in to the new care center. - How will my family be updated on construction progress or weekly meeting information?
Families can go the and view the progress of construction. In addition, JMHS will post an updated “Frequently Asked Questions” list related to the Care Center Relocation to the JMHS website by the end of day of each Wednesday. - Is there an enclosed courtyard?
The new care center will have an enclosed courtyard that residents can access from various areas either neighborhood as well as the town center. The courtyard has built-in raised planter boxes, a patio, and sidewalks. - Will all residents move on the same day?
The relocation team will have more information on this in future weeks. - Do I have to provide my own shower curtain?
No. Shower curtains will be furnished by JMHS. - Are televisions provided or do I supply my own?
Residents are welcome to bring their current television to the new care center. JMHS staff will assist with placement of the television. - Will the cable charge be the same?
The cable charge will remain $12.75/month. - Will there be a beauty shop and exercise room?
The new care center will have a spacious beauty shop where residents can enjoy hair care and nail care. There is also a large Restorative Nursing Room (exercise room) that will have bikes and various exercise equipment. - What color are the walls and what color is the carpet?
Resident room walls and carpet are a neutral color. As construction progresses, we will provide pictures of the actual spaces as the finishes are completed so that residents and families will be able to plan for decorating their personal rooms. These updated photos will be shown at the weekly Resident/Family Relocation Meetings. - Is there carpet or vinyl flooring in the rooms?
Resident rooms will have carpet in the living area, vinyl flooring in the bathroom, and tile in the shower. - How many dresser drawers are provided?
Each resident room will have a desk and dresser. The desk dimensions are: 48” W x 24” D x 30” H. The dresser dimensions are: 29” W x 17” D x 37” H. The dresser has 4 drawers. - When will we be able to tour the new care center?
As construction progresses we will give updates at the weekly Relocation Meetings as to when tours will take place. - Will we get new beds?
JMHS purchased 20 new beds. We will bring 36 beds from our current care center. - Do residents and families need to provide boxes for the move?
JMHS would appreciate any spare boxes that families are willing to provide to store resident items during the move. If families are not able to provide boxes JMHS will ensure resident belongings are packed and transported to the new Care Center. - Can residents control the temperature of their own room?
Yes, each resident room has individual temperature control. - Can families start cleaning out resident rooms now in preparation for moving?
Yes, families and are welcome to start going through resident’s belongings. JMHS staff will assist with completing an inventory of resident’s belongings to ensure all belongs are present. - If I have a Shepard’s Hook or bird feeder outside my window can I bring those items to the new Care Center?
Landscaping will begin this spring and as this progresses we will work with the landscapers to determine the appropriate time to put residents’ Shepard’s Hooks and bird feeders near the windows. - Can I bring my own dresser and furniture?
Residents can bring their dresser and furniture to their new room. As construction progresses and tours are available residents and families will be able to determine the set-up of the resident’s room. - Will there be bathtubs at the new Care Center?
There is a spa/tub room in each neighborhood which will have a bathtub. - Can we remove the desk and dresser drawers from the room?
The desk and dresser will remain in each resident room. - Will I be able to sit with the same residents at mealtime?
We will attempt to keep meal seating accommodations similar to what we have in our current care center. Once we determine and share room preferences we will have a better understanding of meal time seating. - Can residents open the window in their rooms at the new care center?
Windows at the new care center are fully functional and can be opened. Windows are opened by pushing up and closed by pulling down. - There is a 3-drawer piece of furniture with a small bookcase that belongs to JMHS but was in my current room when I moved into JMHS. Am I able to bring that to the new care center?
The new care center will have new furniture in each room which includes a dresser with 4 drawers and a desk with chair. Residents are welcome to bring their current furniture to the new care center. - Will there be a shower chair in my shower?
Yes. JMHS will provide a suitable shower chair for use in the walk-in shower in your room. - Can I hang decorations on my room door?
Small door signs and wreaths are allowed on the resident room door. These items must be hung by a Command Hanging Strip or something similar. Anything that is flammable (fabric-like material) must be treated with a fire-retardant spray. JMHS staff will apply this spray prior to hanging the item on the door. It is not allowable to hang items with nails, tacks, or push pins. Resident room doors are considered fire doors and cannot be damaged. - Can I put a window air conditioning unit in my room?
Each resident room is individually temperature controlled. Residents and families will have the ability to keep the thermostat at a desirable temperature. Residents and families are encouraged to talk with staff if the room temperature is not acceptable. - Can we start packing our belongings ahead of time? Is there a place to store boxes that we have packed ahead of time?
Residents and families can begin going through and packing residents’ belongings. JMHS can provide boxes. Please ask a staff member for boxes and we will arrange to get them. JMHS asks that pre-packed boxes remain in the resident’s room until the day of move. - How many dining rooms will be at the new Care Center?
The new care center will have two dining rooms. One dining room in each neighborhood. - How many plug-ins in each resident room?
Each resident room has 16 outlets. One outlet will be used to plug in the bed. - Where will my bed be placed in my new room?
There will be a couple options of where your bed can be positioned. Residents can decide how their bed is positioned once we have moved to the new Care Center. - When will Residents get tours of the new care center?
Tours of the care center will most likely begin the end of May or early June. - How will the room placement be decided?
JMHS staff have competed ‘Resident Room Preference’ surveys with residents and their families. Based on the preferences JMHS staff will find a room that is the ‘Best Fit’ for each resident. - How will the Resident rooms be numbered?
The new care center rooms will have a different numbering system. - Will the water be softer at the new Care Center?
The new Care Center will have water softeners that supply soft water to every resident room. - What is the width of the resident bathroom doorway?
The width of the resident bathroom doorways are 37 inches. - Will there be an activity room?
The chapel will function as a multipurpose room where large group activities can be held. There is a room divider which can be pulled between the café and chapel do allow for privacy. The set up of the chapel may vary from day to day depending on the activities planned. Smaller group activities will also be held in the neighborhood dining rooms. - Why is there a big hole to the South of our current care center?
Once residents have moved to the new care center the existing care center will come down so construction can continue. The space where the existing care center sits will be our future visitor/resident/patient parking lot. As construction continues the hole will be filled in and the ground will appear level. - When do residents get to tour the new Care Center?
We are hopeful that residents will begin to tour the new Care Center the weeks of May 28 and June 4. JMHS staff will notify residents and their families once tours for residents will be arranged. - Has the State inspection been complete?
The Minnesota Department of Health must complete a ‘walk through’ of the new Care Center in order to grant JMHS a ‘certificate of occupancy’. This ‘walk through’ has not been completed. JMHS staff will share this information at the weekly relocation meetings once it has occurred. - Why do some rooms appear to stick out further than others when looking from the street?
The design of the new Care Center included rooms to appear staggered from the street. This is to help the Care Center look ‘less institutional’ and more like a home. Each room is the same square footage. - Are all the rooms considered private?
Yes, the new Care Center will have 56 private rooms with private bathrooms and showers. - Will the family be able to accompany residents to see their room?
Yes, family members may accompany residents to see their room in the new Care Center. We will arrange with your family once tours are scheduled. - Will the Salon (beauty/barber shop) be available on the same days?
Yes. The Salon will be available on the same days once we relocate to the new Care Center. - Will there be any shade on the neighborhood patios?
Currently, there is no shade provided by any structure on the neighborhood patios. JMHS will find a solution to ensure residents are protected from the sun while enjoying the patios and sunshine. - Are there plans for a future thrift shop?
There are not plans for a Thrift Shop at our new Care Center. - Has a ‘move-in’ day been determined?
We have not determined a ‘move-in’ day at this time. JMHS continues to work with the Minnesota Department of Health on the various clearances needed in order for residents to occupy the new Care Center. - When will residents get to tour their new room?
JMHS staff will begin scheduling room tours with residents the week of May 28. - Do we all move on the same day and the same time? Is there a certain day of the week we will move?
The plan is for all residents to move on the same day. This day has not been determined. We will have more details once the move in day has been determined. - Will families receive a notice of the move in date?
JMHS will notify residents and families of the move in date. We will work hard to give enough notice for families to make travel arrangements. - If my family or I missed the open house can I see it now?
Please speak with Amanda Redepenning or Brenda Kalthoff if you or your family member are requesting a tour.
- Why do I have to move from this care center?