I always remember, as a child, the anticipation of the County Fair: the rides, the food, the animals, and the colorful displays of all the entries. I begged my parents to allow me to go every day, but usually, they limited me to one day.
“It’s not Fair; other kids get to go every day,” I would cry….only to be told “Fair” is something you purchase to ride the bus. All kidding aside, August is here, and it is a time for carnivals, those last vacations, and back-to-school shopping. What is not “fair” is when kids go without the necessary school supplies that they may need. JMHS is participating in the Stuff the Bus campaign again this year. We collect donations for our area schools to help those kids who may not be able to obtain the necessary supplies.
If you are interested in helping us “Stuff the Bus,” please bring your donations to the front entry of our JMHS clinic. Cash donations are also accepted. Let’s help make this coming school season great for all our local children.
Kris Jacobson, LNHA, LALD, MBA