Getting to the Heart of it All
Cardiology at Johnson Memorial Health Services

Your heart is in good hands at JMHS. Jennifer Erdmann, Chief Acute Care Services and Surgical Services Officer, explains that Johnson Memorial offers cardiology services on par with similar services at larger organizations.
“We know our patients,” says Erdmann, “They are our community . . . we’re going to see them in the grocery store or gas station, where, in larger places, they’re never going to see their [doctor] outside the hospital.”
The cardiology department performs a wide range of services, including stress tests, echocardiograms, Zio Patch and Holter monitors, loop recorder implants, pacemaker checks, and cardiac rehab. Through various high-tech monitoring devices, our cardiologist can monitor the electrical activity of the patient’s heart. With this technology, we can catch and treat heart related issues. For example, a loop recorder discovered that a patient needed a pacemaker.”
This means that cardiac patients can get the care they need right here in Dawson. In fact, last year, the cardiac team performed its first pacemaker implant.
Once a patient has a significant cardiac event, like bypass surgery, the cardiologist will refer them back to JMHS for cardiac rehab. The primary care provider is kept in-the-loop on the patient’s progress. “The patient is monitored while exercising and gradually increases their activity level as they build endurance,” says Erdmann.
“Our goal,” says Erdmann, “is to provide the services they need without ever leaving our community.”
Learn more about our cardiology program.