When giving is free
In our Dawson community, I am always amazed at how many people are willing to show up for events by volunteering their time to cover concession stands, work on a variety of projects, lead events/committees and the list goes on. When I have visited with some of those that volunteer, the majority say something like this “I have more time than money” or “volunteering is a way to help others.” What would our community do without these people committed to donating their time to an important cause or event. JMHS also benefits by volunteers in our organization. From visiting with our residents, to sitting with patients in need, we have such a group of wonderful volunteers. April is volunteer appreciation month and on behalf of JMHS’s entire healthcare community we would like to extend our deepest gratitude. If you find it in your heart to want to join our group of volunteers at JMHS, please contact Lisa DuFrane at 320-312-2115. THANK YOU to EVERYONE that VOLUNTEERS FOR OUR COMMUNITY!
Kris Jacobson, LNHA, LALD, MBA