By Tuesday, post-NFL Super Bowl weekend, the conversations regarding the entertainment, game, and commercials begin to lessen. Fans on both sides reframe their focus on what’s next for the new season. I have never been a big Super Bowl fan (maybe because the MN Vikings haven’t made it there since 1977), but regardless, it is fun to see the energy and passion surrounding the game. Gratefully, there were no significant injuries at this event. Still, we have been reminded this year that injuries can happen to anyone, even professionals.
This same energy and passion for sporting events can be found in our local community. As we look forward to the State High School Dance Tournament, we wish the Shadow Dancers the best of luck on the “Big Stage!” United Wrestlers and our boys and girls Blackjack Basketball teams have also had remarkable seasons. We look forward to watching them work and play hard in upcoming sections. At JMHS, we are very proud of our local athletic teams and remind them to stay safe by warming up before their activity and getting any injury assessed in a timely manner. Good Luck, Shadows, United Wrestlers, and Blackjacks from JMHS, and bring home those wins!!