Taking a moment to work through a “personal values” exercise can often lead to some important breakthroughs in how you would like to see your personal or professional life transpire.
Our leadership team and some employees went through a similar exercise. It was inspiring to listen to how these values transcend into their professional lives. Through these stakeholder exercises, we ultimately reflected on how these values shape our actions and align our purpose-driven work.
J.M.H.S.’ Value Statement has been “T.E.A.M.” for several years. Trust, Excellence, Accountability, Mutual Respect/Integrity have been demonstrated and shared. While we still think these values are admirable qualities of what we want to demonstrate, we are also interested in perhaps reframing our values to clearly demonstrate the value of being part of J.M.H.S. 2023 may be a year where we continue to build on the alignment of those values that also align with our community’s values. Exciting news ahead, and we encourage you to share a moment with J.M.H.S. about what qualities in a healthcare home you value. Email [email protected] or share here.
Kris Jacobson, LNHA, LALD, MBA