Finding a spark at Johnson Memorial Assisted Living was shared by tenants and staff in celebration.
Johnson Memorial Health Services celebrated National Assisted Living Week September 8-14 with fun events to enrich the body, mind, and soul for both staff and tenants. The week was spent making memories and trying new things.
On Monday they created an inspiration tree where tenants hung pictures from magazines that “Inspired” them and placed it on the tree telling why it does. The images ranged from beautiful landscapes, babies, little kids, camping, food, nature scenes, animals, and flowers.
Tuesday, they had fun playing Bean Bag Tic Tac Toe and enjoyed Dilly Bars from the DQ. Wednesday, they joined residents at the Care Center for a Petting Zoo. Thursday everyone enjoyed Dawn Pehrson and Ellsworth Olson accordion and piano medleys. The special music was followed by a cake to help celebrate National Assisted Living Week.
Friday was particularly special as tenants shared poems, writings, and books. Carol Rensberger shared some of her compositions and a few jokes that inspire her. Blanche Benson brought a book of poems and writings about “Country School Teacher and Country School” memories.
“We really strive to make sure our Assisted Living tenants continue to have full, interesting and happy lives,” said Lori Pehrson, Assisted Living Manager. “They are, after all, the ‘Spark’ that drives us to do this work.”
JMHS is committed to providing creative, new, and innovative ways to enhance the tenant’s lives and improve care. Staff look to the tenants for their input on what they want to experience whether it is, creating art, celebrating holidays, tea parties, birthday celebrations, or baking apple pies.
The JMHS Assisted Living is more than helping tenants with health needs and daily tasks. It is also a community that provides life-enriching activities to encourage tenants to stay active, happy and healthy. For more information, please contact Lori Pehrson at 320-312-2107 or [email protected].