Johnson Memorial Health Services (JMHS) conducted a tabletop exercise on December 9 to identify ways to improve preparedness and response to an Ebola or other infectious disease event. Participants included those who would be the first line of defense; such as receptionists, providers and hospital nurses. The purpose of the exercise was to provide participants with an opportunity to evaluate current response, plans and capabilities in response to a possible outbreak of a viral disease.
Judy Dahl, registered nurse (RN) and infection control practitioner (ICP) for JMHS, led the participants through an Ebola scenario. As the scenario unfolded, the participants discussed the situation and the best ways to respond. The exercise allowed participants to really think through the challenges of the situation and to become more aware of possible weaknesses or gaps during an exercise rather than during a real event.
Lori Andreas, Director of Clinic Nursing said “While the odds of a person infected with Ebola presenting for treatment at a rural facility such as ours may be quite low, it is our responsibility to be prepared to manage these types of cases.”
The staff at JMHS is trained in proper use of personal protection equipment (PPE) for Ebola and other infections disease events. JMHS follows the CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommended protocols for treating patients with the virus. In addition, the Minnesota Hospital Association has held several webinars and provided important communication tools to use if necessary.
JMHS believes it is important to stay on top of current healthcare concerns, trends and legislative issues. We are committed to providing our community with excellent healthcare, everyday. For more information regarding this article please contact Judy Dahl at 320-312-2109.