I recently saw displays of Christmas decorations in some of the retail stores. As usual, this started a conversation with a friend about rushing the seasons and not being able to appreciate the season we are currently in. Then, as if inspired by this conversation, the past few weeks, we have experienced an insurgence of COVID-19, RSV, and seasonal flu arriving back in our communities. Drat! Masking is back (and it is not even Halloween). Masking has become a common infection control and prevention practice to slow the spread of viruses or germs. We have started to see more places requesting that masks be put back on. At JMHS, we ask that visitors wear masks in certain areas of our building or if they are experiencing any respiratory (cold) symptoms. Infection prevention also includes practicing good hand hygiene, covering your cough, staying home when ill, and cleaning high-traffic areas in our homes and businesses. By following these infection prevention guidelines, we can help stop the spread of illness and look forward to a healthy fall where the only masks worn are for Halloween.
If you are ill and need to seek treatment, we do offer a 24/7 emergency room along with our clinic that is ready to receive appointments Monday through Friday. Please call 320-769-4393 to schedule.
Kris Jacobson, LNHA, LALD, MBA