Cardiac Rehab Nurse
Cardiac Rehab is a program offered in the therapy department at Johnson Memorial Health Services (JMHS) that provides patients education, nutrition guidance, physical exercise, weight management. JMHS offers Phase 2 and Phase 3 Cardiac Rehab at their facility. Phase 3 is a supervised maintenance phase of cardiac rehab. It is for both graduate patients of phase 2 and for individuals at risk of heart disease.
Risk Factors of heart disease include: family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, stress/depression, and smoking. Patients with past pulmonary issues are encouraged to consider this program for improving endurance and breathing.
Phase 3 Cardiac Rehab helps individuals meet their long-term lifestyle change goals, such as a regular exercise program. One wonderful benefit of phase 3 rehab is that it allows a safe exercise environment, with medical equipment immediately available. Participants are also provided daily interaction with a registered nurse and the rest of the therapy department.
Specific Benefits of exercise include improved blood vessel function, improvement in cardiovascular risk factors, improved coronary blood flow, and reduced risk of blood clots. The average cardiac death is 26% lower in rehabilitation exercise-trained patients compared with those who received the usual care. There are 21 percent fewer nonfatal heart attacks and 13 percent fewer bypass surgeries. Year after year studies from the American Heart Association are released showing the physical benefits of cardiac rehabilitation. Rehab has been shown to help patients get back on their feet, lower blood pressure, boost good cholesterol, decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, and reduce the risk of a second heart problem. There is also evidence that cardiac rehab can also help reduce depression, anger and other psychological problems that often follow heart problems.
JMHS offers cardiac rehab to anyone that wants to benefit and be heart healthy. The cost for phase 3 is $11 per one hour session. For the month of November we will be offering your first session free (usually 90 minutes). Call the cardiac rehab department at 320-312-2125 to set up a time to come in.