As I’m writing this month’s update, I’m looking outside my office window at the new care center and can’t believe the amount of progress that has been made this past month! The 1st neighborhood wing’s walls and roof trusses are in place, and they are currently working on the walls of the 2nd neighborhood. It’s so exciting to be able to visualize how the new care center is going to look on the site! The recent snowstorm hasn’t slowed up Hasslen Construction one bit, as the crew continues to make substantial progress each day. Shingling will begin shortly on the 1st neighborhood wing as well. JMHS staff continue to work with Hasslen Construction and Wold Architects, further developing the internal details as well as refining the furniture, fixture, and equipment listing. Members of the JMHS Board and JMHS Staff have made site visits to both the recently constructed Granite Falls Manor & Ortonville Nursing Homes, to gather ideas and form a basis for comparison.
By admin