On September 10, 2019, the MN Department of Transportation Office of Aeronautics inspected and approved the usage of the new JMHS Heliport. The elevation of the landing pad allows business to continue as usual without disruption to clinic patient flow when the helicopter arrives and departs. The location outside of the ER allows for improved efficiency with loading of patients and the updated technology will enable pilots of the air ambulances to control the heliport lights from the aircraft.
Air Ambulances are a critical part of emergency care for patients. The innovative bedside technology allows the flight clinicians to obtain important life-saving data. This information will enable them to provide a true continuum of care from the referring hospital to the receiving hospital.
Helicopters from LifeLink III and North Memorial got a chance to utilize the new heliport this past week and were extremely impressed with it and the updated JMHS facility. Both flight crews were able to meet the nursing and ambulance staff and address any questions or concerns.
JMHS would like to remind the public that air ambulance transfers happen in extreme emergencies. It is a critical stage in patient care. Please be mindful of the area and keep traffic to a minimum.