Here it is, the New Year, ALREADY! Like many people, I ponder while the week winds down before a New Year, what exciting things did we experience this year and what will the new year bring? I personally enjoy looking forward to new opportunities, experiences, and even a challenge or two. Life has a way of keeping it interesting. In 2022, JMHS went through many changes. We added new employees, equipment, software, and services and successfully transitioned to a new Electronic Health Record (EMR). We slowly worked our way through over two years of the pandemic and enjoyed returning to some sense of normalcy. The organization also made some significant contributions to the community through sponsorships, donations of time/talents, and presence.
As we look forward to the opportunities in 2023 at JMHS, our vision for the future remains the same “We inspire Change and Make a Healthy Difference in People’s Lives.” We look forward to our continued commitment to YOU! Bring on 2023!
Kris Jacobson, LNHA, LALD, MBA