Johnson Memorial Health Services (JMHS) recently completed COVID-19 testing on Care Center staff and residents in accordance with guidelines provided by The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). JMHS was required to test all Care Center staff and residents after a Care Center staff member tested positive for COVID-19 on September 12. We performed this testing on September 15, and received the results on September 18, show 100% negative COVID-19 test results for the Care Center staff and residents, and the Assisted Living staff and tenants
JMHS’s highest priority is continuing to provide the best possible care and protecting the health and wellness of residents and staff. Precautions are being taken to minimize the spread of the virus in our organization. Our providers and staff are working collaboratively with the MDH and following guidance from the CDC and CMS. Efforts to mitigate transmission at JMHS include:
- All Care Center Staff and Residents were tested for COVID-19 on September 15 and will be tested weekly going forward until 0 positive cases for 14 days, which will then move to monthly testing. Additional testing may be required due to case increases of COVID-19 in Lac qui Parle County.
- Staff will continue to wear surgical masks and eye protection in all patient areas as source control.
- Staff will continue to be “Actively Screened” prior to starting their shifts, including temperature scans and symptom checks.
- Residents will continue to be “Actively Screened” each day, including temperature scans and symptom checks.
- Group activities will remain suspended for the time-being, with staff increasing one-to-one visits and approved activities.
- Zoom meetings with family and friends will be encouraged and supported.
- The Care Center and Assisted Living are closed to visitors for the time being.
JMHS is taking all appropriate measures and doing everything possible to protect the health and safety of all who live and work here. Further updates will be provided as needed. We appreciate your understanding and support through this pandemic.