Making Memories and Memorial Day
Memorial Day is often a weekend full of graduations, trips to the cabin, or sharing in a ceremony to honor the fallen heroes who have fought for our country. A person can experience so many emotions in just one observed holiday. This year will be one of those Memorial Days to remember. My husband and I’s last child will graduate from college and then serve in the Army for our country. I am sure we are not alone, and many families will be celebrating and saying goodbye at the same time. We are so grateful to live in a country where, despite differences, we still have people who devote their lives to protecting our freedoms and the freedoms of those who can not protect themselves. This Memorial Day, take a moment to pause and say thank you to the many men and women who have died fighting for our freedoms. Congratulations to the many individuals who are also celebrating graduation. We will be thinking of you all as we make Memorial Day Memorable!
Kris Jacobson, LNHA, LALD, MBA